Thursday, March 5, 2015

VGS Latest News & Tips: 5 Mar 2015

Meeting Reminder - Tomorrow: March 6: 
British Genealogy SIG Meeting
9:30 AM in the Courageous Room at the Lake Miona Recreation Center

This is a new website that Dick Eastman recommended in his newsletter posting yesterday, March 4th. He said he was impressed with the site. He also said that he had used Google Books, and other sources of digitized books. I also have used many sites for book research so I gave it a try myself. I was very impressed with how well the site works since the site is still under beta testing. For my tests I tried 3 surnames that I have not had much luck with in old books since these particular surnames didn't come to the United States until the late 1800's. I was able to find their surnames in two books and the information that I found was information that I did not have prior to the search.
I next tried 3 surnames that I used I had previously found book information for these ancestors. This time the flood gates opened and I will be typing for several hours documenting what I found. Yes, in my opinion, this is a very good site.     Give Genealogy Gophers a try... 

Where do the books come from you ask? From their FAQ page you find this answer. "The books are out-of-copyright works that have been digitized by FamilySearch. Most were published before 1923 in the United States. FamilySearch obtains the books from the following partner institutions:" (All the links below are active)

What’s coming next? "We will be adding over 60,000 additional books during the coming months along with improved searching. Long-term we will seek out additional sources for books and continue to improve our search results. If you have suggestions for additional things we should be considering, please click on the Feedback link to the right."

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