Wednesday, February 25, 2015

VGS Latest News & Tips: 25 Feb 2015

Meeting Reminder - Tomorrow, February 26:
New to Genealogy SIG Meeting
2:00 PM in the Gladiola Room at the Allamanda Recreation Center.

Today is our 15th Annual-All Day Seminar: Our guest speaker is "The Legal Genealogist" Judy G. Russell. We will show some highlights of the event on tomorrow's blog page. 

Are You of Italian Descent? You may find this PBS series interesting. "The Italian Americans reveals how Italian immigrants challenged the notion of the American “melting pot” — chronicling four generations of Italian-American lives, from the massive late 19th Century wave of immigration to today. From the importance of the family over an individual’s personal aspirations, to their distinctive, circular migration patterns, to the specter of the Mafia that still plagues Italian Americans today, this series peels away myths and stereotypes to reveal a world uniquely Italian and uniquely American." You can view the episodes on line at: The Italian Americans... 

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