Friday, July 28, 2017

VGS Latest News & Tips: 28 July 2017

Gen News:

Enhancing Collaboration and Roles on DNA Results:

"As the AncestryDNA service has grown, we are increasingly hearing about families taking DNA tests together. Family members want easier and more powerful ways to collaborate with each other to make discoveries in their family story, all while still maintaining control and privacy of their own information. We recently made some changes that allow for better and more varied roles in managing, collaborating, and viewing DNA results—as well as a change to how DNA kits are activated to increase personal control. In this post, we’d like to share more details on these improvements and hopefully answer some of the questions you may have."
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Buried at an Asylum, the ‘Unspoken, Untold History’ of the South:

The NY Times
"For thousands of patients, a stay at a state asylum in Mississippi ended in unmarked graves."
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Our Daily Blog Goes Weekly:

The Editor
Recently I conducted a poll to gather information about continuing our blog in the current format on a daily basis. Being an all volunteer organization, it requires a lot of time and research to continue a blog in a daily format. Also our blog was not as popular as we had hoped when it began in January of 2015.
Some survey results...
We had 76 people respond to the survey. Of those 76 responses...
87% said that they have learn great things from the blog and that it should continue.
83% responded that a weekly blog post would work for them.
Therefore, effective tomorrow, Saturday July 29th will be our first weekly post. For those who receive it by email you will continue receiving it in that format. For those who go to our website, you will find it exactly in the same place on our website.
Thank you to all who support the VGS Blog.


Are Other People Allowed to Use My Tweets?

"As long as you haven’t made your Twitter account private, every thought you broadcast can be seen by anyone in the world. However, any words or photos you Tweet, as long as they are original, are yours and, except in specific circumstances, can’t be used without your permission. So what can other people do with your Tweets? Can anyone take your Tweet and publish it on their website?
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What’s New in Windows 10’s Fall Creators Update, Arriving September 2017:

"Windows 10’s Fall Creators Update, codenamed Redstone 3, will be released in September 2017. Here are all the new features you’ll see in the latest version of Windows."
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How to Find Your Ancestor’s Entry Into America:

Ancestral Findings
"Passenger and immigration records contain a wealth of information on your immigrant ancestors. Here's how to find those records and what you might discover in them.
Listen now...  5.34 minutes

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