Monday, March 9, 2015

VGS Latest News & Tips: 9 Mar 2015

New York State Family History Conference:  Our seasonal members from New York may be interested in this FGS Regional Conference to be held September 17-19, 2015 in Syracuse, NY. They wrote: "The Central New York Genealogical Society and the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society are pleased to announce that our 2015 New York State Family History Conference has been chosen by the Federation of Genealogical Societies as one of their regional conferences. The Second New York State Family History Conference is increasing in size and duration and will feature three simultaneous lecture tracks and more exhibitors. The Federation of Genealogical Societies is sponsoring the first day of the conference."

Registration Information...   Printable Registration Form...

DNA Genealogy: Judy G. Russell wrote, "Every so often, even those of us who work with DNA test results on a regular basis are just astounded, not just by what DNA can do … but even more by what stories it tells."
She directs us to two stories where DNA was used to solve a 100 year-old mystery. You won't regret reading both stories.

Story by Jess...    and    Switched at Birth...

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