Wednesday, March 25, 2015

VGS Latest News & Tips: 25 Mar 2015

Meeting Reminder - Tomorrow, March 26:

New to Genealogy SIG Meeting
2:00 PM in the Gladiola Room at the Allamanda Recreation Center.
All members with less than two years of research experience should attend SIG meeting.

Are You My Cousin? 

New York Times by A.J.Jacobs
He writes "My family tree sprawls far and wide. It’s not even a tree, really. More like an Amazonian forest. At last count, it was up to nearly 75 million family members. In fact, there’s a good chance you’re on some far-flung branch of my tree, and if you aren't, you probably will be soon. It’s not really my tree. It’s our tree." He also states, "The previously staid world of genealogy is in the midst of a controversial revolution." He has a very interesting viewpoint on the current genealogical trends and is well worth the reading.

Advice on How to Research Family History:

Elizabeth Shown Mills, a genealogist, answers questions about how to use online sources, physical public records and the DNA of living relatives.
By the New York Times

Part 1  -  Part 2  -  Part 3  -  Part 4

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