Friday, February 27, 2015

VGS Latest News & Tips: 27 Feb 2015

VGS to Start Social Media Sites: Over the next several weeks, The VGS will be setting up social media sites on Facebook, Google+ and Twitter. The three buttons above will be on our websites home page as they become available. You will notice that the Google+ button is already active. Hopefully this  will become a place where members and others can share their genealogical knowledge. Be one of the first to join our Google+ social media site.

National Genealogical Society Launches NGS Monthly -- A New Digital Publication: ARLINGTON, VA. 23 FEBRUARY 2015. "The National Genealogical Society (NGS) today launched NGS Monthly, a new digital publication that, each month, will feature a selection of original articles on genealogical methodology, research techniques, sources, and the latest news from NGS. Published mid-month starting after the February launch,NGS Monthly was created to replace the Society’s older newsletter, What’s Happening, with a new content and design strategy."

Navigating the Past: Sailing into the Future:  The New England Regional Genealogical Conference will be held in Providence, Rhode Island on April 15-18, 2015. For our New England seasonal residents this may be a good opportunity to continue your genealogical education and to meet other genealogists. Read more...

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