Monday, February 2, 2015

February 2, 2015

The FamilySearch App Gallery Connects You with the Latest Family History Apps 
Whether you are searching for ancestors, sharing family photos, or recording stories for future generations, there's now a family history app for that. 

Legacy Family Tree has another great Legacy QuickTip Video for you today! Learn:
  • How to get started in Legacy
  • How to use the To Do List and Research Log
  • Quick intro to the SourceWriter 
These tips were presented live during the recent after-webinar party of Thomas MacEntee's recent webinar, "My Genealogy DO-Over: a Year of Learning from Research Mistakes."

Click here to view the video:

U.S. to Develop DNA Study of One Million People

According to Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health, the study will recruit new volunteers as well as merging data from several large studies already under way.

Collins warned that lack of “interoperability” in medical record systems and gene databases could be the most significant obstacle to the NIH’s plans.

For instance, one of the world’s largest private bio-banks, of 800,000 spit samples, is owned by 23andMe, a startup in Silicon Valley that wants to become a kind of Facebook of gene research (see “23andMe’s New Formula: Patient Consent = $”).


Online genealogy hangouts, webinars and chats this coming week:

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