Friday, February 13, 2015

February 13, 2015

Heritage Quest to be Updated and Improved:
Coming March 4, 2015, Heritage Quest Online (HQO) will be materially improved and enhanced with a much richer content set and a more powerful, intuitive interface.

Searching will be similar to and you can access the entire 1790-1940 census. Census records such as the Mortality and Non-Population Schedules, the Indian Census Rolls along with an expanded collection of genealogy and local history books, city directories will also be available. Additionally, the complete Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty Land record collection, the Freedman’s Bank Records with full-page  register view and the Periodical Source Index Archive (PERSI), 1800-2009 will be available. There will also be research aides and interactive census maps.

This is a FREE online resource from the library and you can access this database from home. All you need is a library card. All Villagers can obtain a Sumter County Library Card.
Learn More About Heritage Quest...

Ancestry Set to Expand DNA Circles:
AncestryDNA announced plans for the test in 2015, which includes launching the test in Australia and Canada, as well as a new way to identify ancestors using only DNA.
Continued Growth for AncestryDNA
  • With a database of over 700,000 genotyped members, AncestryDNA has generated over one billion cousin connections to date. In 2015, we project this database to grow to exceed well over one million genotyped members, resulting in even more and higher quality cousin matches.
  • Following the successful launch of AncestryDNA in the UK, we will soon be bringing the service to our members in Australia and Canada, and in doing so, will connect the major English-speaking migrations and globally connect families like never before.
  • Building on DNA Circles, in 2015 we will launch a new experience that will use the latest genetic technology to discover new ancestors without the customer having to search records or build a family tree. This new feature will transform how family history research is done by providing valuable hints to help experienced genealogist looking to break through brick walls, as well as open family history to a whole new segment of the population. Through this new experience, AncestryDNA customers will be able to discover new ancestors as far back as the 1700’s by connecting into existing DNA Circles.
Learn more...

Genealogy Roadshow Now Available Online: Season 2 Episode 5
Watch Now...

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