Wednesday, February 11, 2015

February 11, 2015

Meeting Reminder - Tomorrow, February 12:
German Genealogy SIG Meeting
9:30 AM in the Reliance Room at the Late Miona Recreation Center

Roots Tech Streaming Schedule: Not able to attend in person? Several sessions at RootsTech including the general keynote sessions on Thursday, and Saturday will be streamed live on the home page of After the conference, recordings of these sessions will be posted on the website for a limited time.
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Irish Heritage Presentation:
2 Feb 2015
Member James V. Bradley receives the Certificate of Irish Heritage. The Certificate is an official Irish Government initiative which represents the enduring emotional ties and sense of identity bestowed by Irish ancestry. The certificate is being presented by Member Mary-Alice Wildasin who performed the necessary research.

UK Moves Toward Making Babies from DNA of 3 People: 
Eastman's Online Genealogy Newsletter
Members of Parliament voted Tuesday to allow the creation of human embryos from the DNA of three people to try to eradicate a type of genetic disease that has caused the deaths of thousands of babies. If the measure also passes Britain’s upper chamber, the House of Lords, England would become the first country to legalize the procedure. If the House of Lords approves the bill, the first three-person baby could be born as soon as next year.

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